Tuesday, February 26, 2008

E Floor and Red Week

All the people in my res college are pretty cool, but I really like the ones living on my floor. Our floor is mostly guys on one side and girls on the other, but for some reason my room is in the middle of all the guys' rooms. Everyone just hangs out together all the time, which is cool. I live next to this guy named Dave (wow Christina, I'm replacing more of you all the time... haha), that is really into music and made me mix of the last 30 years of Australian music. It has some pretty cool stuff, Redgum, Hilltop Hoods, The Herd, it's always good to get new music. They have a file sharing system here for music/TV/movies/whatever between everyone at Union (D.C. it's called) that is like OurTunes, and it is amazing. I have downloaded way too much already. The girls on my floor are really cool too and fun to hang out with when I make it to the other end of the hall, one of them is an aerobics instructor at the gym. I went to her class yesterday and it was hilarious, about 50 girls and 4 guys doing all this crazy stuff to techno remixes of Fall Out Boy and other such wonderful music. It was actually a lot of fun though, I thought I wouldn't really be into it but it's not as boring as just running miles. One of the other instructors also fell off the stage when she was doing some sort of kick in the middle of the routine, and that was pretty entertaining too.

This week of school is called 'Red Week', when everyone is back at school and moved in. The social coordinator of Union organized events and they bus us out to a different bar or club every night. You might not believe it but I have gone out in high heels (flip flops not allowed, what is that about anyway?) and actually did things with my hair the last 3 nights. It's a lot of fun, I have met a ton of people. I was going to stay in last night and watch a movie with the international crew, but my floormates would not have it and made me come out to The Chalk (it was downtown in this area called Woolongatta - my friend Olly and I decided that Australian city names are all ridiculous because they just sortof roll off your tongue when you're drunk and it makes it easier to tell whoever is driving how to get you home. He is from Toowoomba, a couple other of my favorite names are Indooropilly and Noosa), and it ended up being a really cool night. They were playing salsa music because some class was going on at the place, and two of the guys from Union were doing made up flamboyant salsa moves all in between the people taking the class, it was pretty hilarious. I mostly hung out and talked with people that night, the night before was at a club called the Embassy and it was a more dancing type place. We also went out to a bar/club named Union Jack's and that was a really fun night, lots of people there from all the res colleges and a fight even broke out between a couple guys. It's funny noticing how the Australians dance differently from people in the US, the guys here seem to be more excited about dancing and aren't embarrassed about it, they even dance with other guys pretty often, which is not something I have seen in the US. At times they get really into doing moves like 'the sprinkler' or 'the shopping cart'. At first I thought they were kidding about it, but I think that's just what they do... it's funny.

The bus rides on the way to these places are quite the experience also, the boys have these chants they do that are so un-politically correct yet hilarious. I don't think they would ever go over in America very well. One starts off like, "My name is Jack, I'm a necrophiliac, I get frustrated when people get cremated." And they get worse from there, I'm sure the bus drivers love getting these jobs.

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