Friday, June 19, 2009

Jaco: Craptown of Drug Dealers, Prostitutes, and Car Vandalists

Jaco was a trip to say the least. The hostel we were staying at, Las Camas, was a crazy place with all the walls painted wacky colors and signs like Pura Weeda painted all over the place. The room we were in had no windows and was a bit like a jail cell, and when we got there, there was nobody working there and the other girls staying there had to let us in and we waited until the owner came back. She was hilarious. She was a Hungarian chick that reeked of alcohol when she checked us in, and she gave us a tour of the place and we found out that she was responsible for all the color schemes and murals, as well as the shack made of Imperial beer cans on the roof and everything else crazy about the place. She was really nice, but we decided she was for sure permabaked and not sure what was going on most of the time. We hung out on the roof during a thunderstorm that night, and it was really cool just watching the lightning and chatting outside and listening to the music she put on, definitely a chill night. We went back to the room and noticed that our bags were being assaulted by these tiny bugs that were sortof like ants. It turns out they got into the candy we had made that morning, but something had taken a huge chunk out of the bag, and I'm not sure how these bugs could have done that. They were definitely all over it though, and were carrying pieces all over the floor. We got rid of it and brushed off as many bugs as we could, and prayed they were not also in the bed. We woke up allright, not dead or bleeding or anything, which was good. I went running which turned out to be a pretty painful experience, as it was insanely hot and humid out, but it was cool being on the beach and noticing all the signs saying that the water there was contaminated with fecal matter, and that you shouldn't swim in it. After wandering around the rest of the town that was just a tourist trap with a bunch of souvenir shops, we were definitely wondering what was good about this town anyway, and why we had ever decided to stay there (It was because Christina hyped it up to us with promises of drugs and hookers and binge drinking, but we were all too tired for that stuff after the drive over, so it was a failed mission. We definitely saw plenty of hookers and were offered weed and coke a few times, but sadly didn't partake in any of these traditional Jaco activities.).
The icing on the cake with Jaco was that our car got its back window smashed in sometime between breakfast and when we left at noon in broad daylight in front of our hostel. Our car was empty, and there was no reason to smash the window, especially in the middle of the day, so it was just a dick move by some jackass in Jaco. We taped it up with grocery bags and it lasted like that the rest of the trip, but it definitely cemented our opinions on Jaco being a shit place that should not be visited. It was funny leaving the hostel, as our host was shocked that such a thing would happen in Jaco (even though I bet it happens all the time), and she was also shocked to find out that the ocean was contaminated there (even though there were signs everywhere saying that is was inadvisable to swim). She was like, but I surf there every day! I was not aware of this! This woman was so so funny, she said she had considered herself an expert on the area, but I think she had some more things to learn about the city of Jaco that we decided was the Tijuana of Costa Rica. As we drove away and got out on the main road, Dave screamed, "Cianora crap town!" out the window, and people turned and stared. But it was true, we were definitely happy to be out of that godforsaken place.

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